yeah, before, now, later and forever...i need my 'MR R'.
however. i need to face 'MR H' when i'm looking for 'MR R'
who is my MR R and who is my MR H?
adakah mr h itu adalah si hodoh dalam cerita 'beauty and the beast' dan cerita dongeng 'prince frog'..charming even as a frog..



yang ni kot?
ok, yang sebenarnya apa yang saya maksudkan Mr R and Mr H ialah;
(So verify, with the hardship, there is relief,
Verify, with the hardship there is relief.)(Ash-Sharh 94:5-6)
juga surah Al-insyirah..isn't just fantastic? Allah mengulangi ayat tersebut sebanyak dua kali. also the fact that the word "with" is used means that MR H and MR R always come together...hardship and relief...
not after, not later, but together...
another cinderella story...
my dear friends,
remember my friends, even Cinderella has to do the house chores before meeting her prince charming...
Verify, with the hardship there is relief.)(Ash-Sharh 94:5-6)
juga surah Al-insyirah..isn't just fantastic? Allah mengulangi ayat tersebut sebanyak dua kali. also the fact that the word "with" is used means that MR H and MR R always come together...hardship and relief...
not after, not later, but together...
my dear friends,
remember my friends, even Cinderella has to do the house chores before meeting her prince charming...
the prince tried the slipper on all the women in the kingdom. when the prince arrived at bthe cinderella's villa, the stepsisters tried in vain. when cinderella asked if she might try, the stepsisters taited her. naturally, the slipper fitted perfectly...
aah....tengok, even prince tu pun kena keluar istana, merantau ke seluruh negeri, nak cari cinderella....sesuatu yang bukan senang bukan?

so the story goes...and they live happily ever after....(ayat ni tipu je, hanya penyedap jalan cerita je tau, bumi mana tidak di timpa hujan, kan?)
"Barang siapa dikehendaki Allah kebaikan baginya, maka dia akan diuji(dicuba dengan musibah)"
Hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari
"Barang siapa dikehendaki Allah kebaikan baginya, maka dia akan diuji(dicuba dengan musibah)"
Hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari
P/s: sedangkan emas diuji dengan haba yang panas untuk menghasilkan emas yang cantik dan berkualiti, manusia pula diuji dengan pelbagai musibah utk mendapat kebaikan2 tertentu...
pergh.. hebatla wani.. entry yang best!! saya suke wani.. =D
ReplyDeleteKAK, AMBOIIIII... HIHIHI relief
ReplyDeletesarah: saya suke sarah
yah: hehe...kenapa x percaya?
miss my childhood too